Ahead of Malaysia's Budget 2020 annoucement, Wong from Bernama interviewed our CEO, Joon Teoh about her views and outlook of the future, as we advance into the age of IR4.0.
'The future is closer than you think, elevate your sights for tomorrow'
The global job landscape is prepared for a major shakeup as Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to advance rapidly. According to the World Economic Forum, we can expect to see 75 million declining job roles in the next 5 years, most of which include accounting clerks, data entry clerks, administration secretaries and factory workers. Despite the gloomy outlook, we should rejoice as 133 million new roles will emerge as a result of technological advancements. Among the emerging roles include data scientists, digital transformation specialists and AI & Machine Learning specialists.
Joon is a firm believer in utilising technology wisely to optimise business processes. The sales and operations team should be working hard to focus on what they are good at, bringing in revenue for the business, instead of being bogged down by back-end administration processes. This is where technology comes into good use.
Malaysian businesses are encouraged to hop on the bandwagon to embrace IR4.0. Technology is only one part of the equation. We should not think of technology as a silver bullet towards resolving our finance and operational inefficiencies. People plays an equally important role in enabling technological changes in any business. A change in people's mindset is paramount to embracing IR4.0!
Interested to know more about technologies applicable to your business and how to change your people's mindset? Contact us now at anvin@agosasia.com!
Joon's interview appeared in major Chinese press on 30 October 2019:
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